Cranboyz Online

A place for the members of the Cranboyz to share stories about Comic Books, Conventions and Artwork!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Heroes of Insurance

So, one of my company's independent agents decided that he wanted a super-hero themed ad campaign. Well, word got out that someone in the office enjoyed comic books, and so, I was assigned the task of creating the artwork for this campaign. I thought you guys might get a kick out of the results. So, here are the pencils for the campaign:



And here is the final artwork:


Ad #1

Ad #2

Ad #3

Click on the pics for larger scans. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rainbow In the Dark

Hey Everyone!

I'm back again with an update on my foray into comic book coloring! The second issue of Comfort Love and Adam Withers' new comic, Rainbow In the Dark, came out this week, featuring five pages flatted by yours truly! I've got the flatted pages posted below. And go here to download the entire issue for only $0.99! Don't miss out, Comfort and Adam continue to outdo themselves with each issue they create.

Page #3

Page 7

Page #14

Page #18

Page #27

In addition, I've started practicing with toning. With much advice and guidance from Comfort and Adam themselves, I finished my first experiment. I've posted my first official attempt here for you to check out. It's my favorite panel from the second issue of Rainbow. This is just my first attempt, but I will continue to practice and post more in the future. So check back for more updates in the near future!

More soon!