Cranboyz Online

A place for the members of the Cranboyz to share stories about Comic Books, Conventions and Artwork!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Shane's Favorite Avengers Covers

Popa posted his 10 Favorites and asked for us to do the same, so here are my 10 Favorite Avengers covers! Mine are also based on the coolness of the cover and the impact of the issue on my young mind!

10. Avengers 63

9. Avengers 92

8. Avengers vol 3, 29

7. Avengers vol 3, 31

6. Avengers vol 3, 82 (or vol 1, 497)

5. Avengers 375

4. Avengers 4

3. Avengers 188 (My first issue of the title!)

2. Avengers 195

1. Avengers vol 3, 1

Honorable Mention, West Coast Avengers #1! I kept the main list to actual Avengers titles, but I had to include this cover!


  1. That cover to #195 almost made my list too!

  2. I'm surprised we didn't have more that we both liked! Close on a couple, though!
